What kinds of cases do I handle?

  • In most cases, I can appear on your behalf so that you do not have to come to court.

    Traffic tickets can ruin your clean driving record, cause your auto insurance premium to skyrocket, and even threaten your job as an Uber/Lyft or CDL driver.

    Out-of-state drivers, especially residents of North Carolina, may be facing a license suspension for 16+ mph ticket.

    I can often have your charge reduced to a non-moving, zero-demerit point violation (e.g., defective equipment under Virginia Code § 46.2-1003) or dismissed outright with a Driver Improvement Program.

    Even if you are facing a criminal traffic offense or your driving record is not good, I can recommend immediate steps to drastically improve your outcome in court.

  • Most people are shocked to learn that in Virginia, Reckless Driving is a crime. It is not merely a traffic infraction. The judge can put you in jail for up to a year, impose a $2,500 fine, and suspend your driver’s license for up to 6 months.

    Being convicted of Reckless Driving will mean that you will have a permanent criminal record. A conviction could seriously hurt your applications to college, graduate school, or a potential future employer. And, it could prevent you from being promoted or even get you fired from your job.

    I have been very successful in getting Reckless Driving charges reduced and even dismissed.

  • Traffic prosecutors prioritize DUI/DWI offenses. These cases are practically impossible to fight without an attorney.

    But there are many procedural hurdles that can make it difficult for the government to prove its case beyond a reasonable doubt. You need an experienced former prosecutor in your corner.

    I will comb through the evidence in defending your rights. Dashboard and body worn camera video often has a wealth of exculpatory evidence challenging the officer’s conclusion that you were drunk.

  • Just because the officer charged you does not mean that you are guilty. An experienced attorney is critical to knowing whether and how to fight the charge.

    And even when you were at fault, I can help. Good people have bad days. I can negotiate with the prosecutor, point out the bigger picture of who you are, and greatly improve the outcome of your case.

    In many situations, even when the evidence of guilt is clear, I have been successful at getting the charge dismissed.